For large consortia such as ENIGMA, the PHOTON Repository offers the opportunity to evaluate pre-trained models automatically. Just upload your data and obtain predictions.

Upload your data and get age predictions here


Han, L.K.M., Dinga, R., Hahn, T. et al. Brain aging in major depressive disorder: results from the ENIGMA major depressive disorder working group. Mol Psychiatry (2020). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41380-020-0754-0

Upload your Data

Data Format

You can upload your data as
a) either a pre-formated csv file that joins the freesurfer output into a singular file or
b) as zip file containing the freesurfer output with filenames
[LandRvolumes.csv, CorticalMeasuresENIGMA_SurfAvg.csv, CorticalMeasuresENIGMA_ThickAvg.csv]

The predicted age is attached as column to the output csv file.

4 Simple steps to obtain brain age predictions:

  1. Follow standardized ENIGMA protocols extract FreeSurfer features from recon-all:
    Extract cortical features.
    Extract subcortical features.
  2. Quality check the data.
  3. Zip the 3 cortical and subcortical output files:
    LandRvolumes.csv, CorticalMeasuresENIGMA_SurfAvg.csv, CorticalMeasuresENIGMA_ThickAvg.csv
  4. Upload folder to the web-based tool & get brain age predictions!

Enigma Brain Age Model

Example image

The ENIGMA Network brings together researchers in imaging genomics to understand brain structure, function, and disease, based on brain imaging and genetic data.